Recent posts

Understanding MQC, Part 2: Basic Configuration

May 18, 2013

In my previous post I mentioned the six steps which are required in order to implement a QoS solution. In this post I’ll use those steps to create an example implementation. Before I do though, I’ll first cover the “priority” and “bandwidth” commands. Priority & Bandwidth Commands In Step 3 of the process you must assign a a portion of ban...

Understanding MQC, Part 1: The Basics

May 18, 2013

Over the course of my next few blog posts I will be covering Modular QoS CLI (MQC), Weighted Fair Queue (WFQ), Class-Based Weighed Fair Queuing (CBWFQ) and Low Latency Queuing (LLQ). Configuring MQC is not an easy job for those who have never done it before, but thankfully once you understand the basics it’s not very difficult to delve deeper. ...

New Website Launch - Ultimate Cisco Lab

May 09, 2013

In the Connecting Your PC to Your Virtual GNS3 Routers post I provided basic instructions explaining how you can connect your PC to your GNS3 topology, allowing you to connect to the virtual routers as if they were real physical routers. Next, in my Virtual Equipment + Physical Equipment = Big Lab post I expanded on the above idea and explained...

Shape Average Vs Shape Peak - Part 2

April 02, 2013

Note: If you haven’t read Shape Average Vs Shape Peak - Part 1 already, I suggest you read it first and then return to this entry. Three Types of Shaping There are three types of shaping, and they are called: Shape Average Shape Peak Shaping with no Excess Using the following details, I will explain how each shaping type answers the ...

Shape Average Vs Shape Peak - Part 1

March 29, 2013

When I first started looking in to the differences between Shape Average and Shape Peak, I soon found myself getting lost in all of the acronyms - Tc, Bc, Be, CIR, PIR, and so on. However, after some research and labbing, it all became much clearer. I plan to put together my notes and lab tests in a series of blog posts in the hope that they wil...