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Windows: Accessing Python & pip from anywhere

June 14, 2017

When you install Python on Windows, you may find that you cannot access it and/or pip from anywhere on the commandline. For example, you find that you need to navigate to C:\Python27\Scripts in order to use pip. To enable access to them from anywhere on the commandline, issue the following commands: setx path "%path%;C:\\Python27;" setx path "%...

Navigating InfluxDB CLI

June 13, 2017

I’ve demonstrated a few InfluxDB commands in my Getting to know InfluxDB and InfluxDB: Retention Policies & Shard Groups posts but though it would be a good idea to write a post completely dedicated to useful CLI commands - so here it is. SHOW DATABASES This command is self explanatory. It lists all of your InfluxDB databases: > SHOW D...

Getting to know Telegraf

June 13, 2017

I first mentioned Telegraf in the My Monitoring Journey: Cacti, Graphite, Grafana & Chronograf post and then covered its installation and setup in the Installing & Setting up InfluxDB, Telegraf & Grafana post. Let’s now delve a little deeper, shall we? The good news is that there’s a lot less to Telegraf’s configuration than what th...

InfluxDB: Retention Policies & Shard Groups

June 11, 2017

Note: This is a continuation of the Getting to know InfluxDB post. If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you do before reading this post. I found InfluxDB’s documentation around Retention Policies (RP) and Shard Groups quite unclear in parts and am therefore writing this post to assist others who find themselves feeling the same way. What is a...

Getting to know InfluxDB

June 11, 2017

I touched on InfluxDB in the My Monitoring Journey: Cacti, Graphite, Grafana & Chronograf post and then covered its installation and setup in the Installing & Setting up InfluxDB, Telegraf & Grafana post. Now it’s time to look at how the database actually works and commands we can use to integrate it. InfluxDB Structure In the latt...