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Installing & Setting up InfluxDB, Telegraf & Grafana

June 10, 2017

I mentioned these tools in the My Monitoring Journey: Cacti, Graphite, Grafana & Chronograf post and thought now would be a good time to cover their installation and setup. Let’s get started. Installing InfluxDB & Telegraf Instructions on how to install all of the TICK stack components can be found here. As I’m running Ubuntu, I’ll nee...

My Monitoring Journey: Cacti, Graphite, Grafana & Chronograf

June 09, 2017

I remember using Cacti at my first job over a decade ago. I’ve revisited it more than a few times since but it hasn’t been my go to monitoring tool for quite some time for a number of reasons, such as: It’s not visually appealing when compared to Grafana and Chronograf. It’s difficult to set up. It’s difficult to maintain. After Cacti ...

Interpreted, Bytecode & Just-in-Time

June 02, 2017

In my previous post I discussed what a compiler does. In this post I will cover Interpreted code, Bytecode and Just-in-Time compilation. One thing to note at this point is that while a compiler is able to create a standalone executable application (e.g an .exe file in Windows) which does not depend on any other application in order to run, the s...

Understanding Ansible Output Structure

May 21, 2017

Note that this post uses NTC-Ansible. Installation instructions can be found here. In the Ansible –extra-vars post we saw just how out of control outputs can be. The Cleaning Up Ansible Loop Outputs post then demonstrated how we can remove all of the unnecessary information. This post is aimed at answering the question, “How do we navigate thr...

Looping through Dictionaries in Ansible

May 21, 2017

Note that this post uses NTC-Ansible. Installation instructions can be found here. In the Understanding Ansible Output Structure post we saw how to extract a single entry out of a dictionary. We saw that it’s possible to do it using the map() filter too. However, what if we want to extract all entries in the dictionary, how would we go about th...